Monday, January 24, 2011

Orchids 101...because I need to know.

I  recently  purchased my first Orchid and the inspiration was this photo Orchids from "The Well Appointed House" beautiful display Melissa!

My new orchid-sorry, lighting is terrible.

Below I added instructions from Martha Stewart on how to care for orchids.  I would love to hear any success or not so successful stories with orchids.  Wish me luck!

Additionally, this is a great way to add some color and sophistication to your home if it's for sale in the winter and spring months!

Orchids generally need to be watered every four to seven days depending on the orchid, the home environment, and the time of year. Take your orchid to your kitchen sink and run tepid water through the potting mix until the water flows freely through the drainage holes.

If your orchid is done flowering, cut the flower spike down to the base of the plant. From there, move the plant to bright, indirect light and repot if necessary using proper repotting medium, such as orchid bark; combine with charcoal and sphagnum moss to help with drainage.

There are two types of orchids: terrestrial and epiphytic. Terrestrials, like the paphioppedilum, commonly known as "lady's slipper," grow in the ground. Epiphytics, like the phalaenopsis, naturally grow balanced on a limb of a tree with its roots in air.

Both kinds of orchids need to be kept in bright, indirect sunlight, evenly moistened, and fertilized regularly in order to bloom at the right time. Orchids love humidity, so grow your plants over a tray of pebbles with water or keep them in the bathroom. The first step in making sure your orchid is in shape is to get rid of its dead or dying leaves. If it needs repotting, you should do so before it is in bloom. Terrestrial orchids are repotted like other plants -- just make sure to use the special terrestrial orchid growing mix; ephiphytes, however, require something different.

Orchid Exhibition in Columbus

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